
May 12

Educational Webinar
Deep Brain Stimulation: Patient Educational Program

Learn about Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) which can be life-changing in patients with Parkinson's disease or Essential Tremor who do not respond sufficiently to medications. Learn how DBS can allow you to decrease or potentially discontinue your medications, and bring back your quality of life.

Mar 10

Educational Webinar
Deep Brain Stimulation: Patient Educational Program

Learn about Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) which can be life-changing in patients with Parkinson's disease or Essential Tremor who do not respond sufficiently to medications. Learn how DBS can allow you to decrease or potentially discontinue your medications, and bring back your quality of life.

Mar 4

Educational Webinar
Tremor: Drug Options, Wearable Devices, DBS & Focused Ultrasound

The seminar will discuss the different causes of tremor, as well as pharmacologic, nonpharmacologic and surgical options for tremor. The seminar will also compare and contrast focused ultrasound versus deep brain stimulation for management of tremors not sufficiently controlled with medications.

Watch the webinar